February 23, 2025
Thank God for:
- Missionaries: Matthew & Toni Krabill in Ghana (MMN), Jayson & Julie Casper in Beirut, Lebanon (IDEAS), and the work of Gospel Growers Ministry in Haiti (Zion & friends support 32 students).
Please pray for:
- Willis Delp, Matt Detweiler, Harold and Pat Dorn, Heather Freed, Deb Godshall, Dr. Richard Godshall, Helen Keller, David Koehler, Pat Kratz, Bob & Ruth Krout, Jim Landis, Robin Landis, Elaine Metz, Polly Moore, Barry Murphy, Gray Musselman, Brenda Oelschlager, Howard & Pat Peters, Bernice Pierce, Jeannette Platt, Grace Price, Carole Scholl, Mary Ziegler.
Thought for the Week:
“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So, if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.”
— Larry King, TV and radio host
Candle of Peace:
May we join Jesus in proclaiming good news to the poor, healing the sick, setting free the prisoner and distributing God’s abundance so that all people have enough.