
Zion Mennonite Nursery School is a ministry of Zion Mennonite Church and holds the distinction of being the oldest Nursery School in our area. Our mission is to help children develop their God-given potential and to allow them to grow to be kind, caring, creative, happy, responsible children.Zion Mennonite Nursery School


In the fall of 1961, when Zion Mennonite Church was located on Broad Street, Betty Wasser petitioned the church council to organize a nursery school. It was granted and a Nursery School Committee was formed with Rhoda Gaugler serving as chair.

When it was unveiled to the congregation, Betty wrote, “We are aware that children’s lives are mostly channeled by the time they are five. If this be the case, we as Christians want the Church to have a large part in the early lives of our children. One hour a week is not enough!”

Art Isaak would also play a large role in organizing this new project. The Nursery School was soon in operation with Betty Wasser serving as a teacher and Rhoda Gaugler and Marjorie Isaak as substitutes.

As the school developed over the years, the committee turned into a School Board and a Director was hired to oversee the day to day operation. The one-room classroom expanded into using three classrooms.

The school added a Pre-Kindergarten class for students who need an extra year before beginning Kindergarten. Two options became available for our four-year-old classes. A free once a week Toddler and Me program was added to offer opportunities for parents and caregivers to help toddlers socialize.